Ереван, 19.Май.2024,
Кто вы, заявите о своей вере, чтобы мы понимали, христиане вы или нет, скажите, вы господин или госпожа? Аршак Карапетян Отказавшись от церкви, Конституции, истории, кем мы становимся, на что похож глава государства, который хочет создать новый народ? Аршак Карапетян АМИО Банк выпустил драмовые облигации Компания Ucom поздравляет всех с днем телекоммуникаций Имеем дело с марионеточным правительством, управляемым иностранцами, целью которого является идентичность армянского народа: Аршак Карапетян Прибывшие в село Киранц полицейские пытаются открыть перекрытую межгосударственную дорогу Армении выгодно быть частью ЕАЭС: замминистра ИД РФ Центробанк Армении: Цены на драгоценные металлы и курсы валют - 16-05-24 «Паст». Труфальдино из Армении или Пашинян «кинет» стороны, либо они «кинут» его Алма-Атинская декларация на самом деле в пользу Азербайджана, а действующий режим направляет этот документ против нас и выполняет все требования турецко-азербайджанского тандема։ Аршак Карапетян

Your Horoscope for the Week of October 23


Happy Scorpio Season! This month begins a four-week long inquiry into topics under Scorpio jurisdiction like eroticism, desire, intimacy, commitment, thoughts on death, our own rebirth, and uncomfortable — but rigorous — authenticity. But don’t fret too much because this week holds one of the luckiest, most favorable days of the year. Circle this Thursday, October 26th, as a prime opportunity period when our ruling star and Jupiter join in Scorpio, favoring mighty rewards for the brave, honest, and committed.



Happy Birthday, Scorpio! Your golden season has officially begun as of October 23rd at 1:27 a.m. And you better get used to the spotlight coming your way since the next few weeks has Scorpio’s cosmic energy written all over the stars. Your counsel, intelligence, and deep understanding of big truths will be requested significantly in many social spaces. Although you’d prefer to fly under the radar given your more introverted personality, your horoscope this week is to get proactive and deeply in touch with yourself and values because, like it or not, you will be called to take the lead over the next few weeks. Stay super aware for some meaningful insight — it will prepare you to rise to the occasion. Thursday’s sun/Jupiter conjunction is one of the most powerful days in the year to bless the Scorpios among us if you’re showing up to your life with an open heart.



Say it with me, Sagittarius: “I release attachment to outcome.” Scorpio Season in your horoscope means a month of surrender, retreat, closure, and mystical companionship for you as it's the season before yours. You’ll feel like you’ve outgrown existential things, places, and perhaps even people — almost like you’re wearing your baby clothes as an adult. This is to be expected while you’re evolving towards a more magnificent version of yourself. Thursday’s beneficial Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio will push a Sagittarius to move forward, let go and move on, and return to their optimistic hardwiring. If you want to work with this cosmic companionship well, I recommend staying in on Thursday for some inner reflection to identify the who, what, where, when, and why of the existential things in your life that have served their purpose so you can let them go.




It’s not so lonely at the top of the mountain you’ve climbed, Capricorn, with your closest comrades at its peak with you. Scorpio Season will ask you to align with your tribe. Of course your default mode is responsibility and work, and there’s a time and a place for that, but the next four weeks want you to find your community, honor your friendships loyally, and show up for the people who adore you. So your horoscope and homework this week is simple - have fun! Especially on Thursday’s mighty Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio. Two of the most powerful planets align to help you proactively understand the joy of social connection. Say yes to the happy hour, dinner, or movie night. I promise, through a series of events, the Universe will reward you for leaning into joy.



Are you ready for you close up, Aquarius? Now that Scorpio Season has begun, the spaces you’re invested in will redirect their attention to identify and reward the specific gifts, abilities, and talents you’re contributing generously. If you’ve been waiting for affirmative recognition, the next four weeks can offer it to you if you’re staying focused, proactive, and disciplined about your big goals. If not, let Thursday’s Sun/Jupiter conjunction in powerful Scorpio mark the place where you can begin more proactively to uplift, serve, and advance equality and access for others. If you do, the blazing Sun and mighty Jupiter will conjoin to provide the opportunity and/or rewards for you to begin and continue a powerful story in your career and public life.



Don’t forget to look up, Pisces. Scorpio Season starts a new psychological and emotional journey for you where optimism and bravery become your bottom lines. Keep your vision focused on big-picture plans that require your confidence, courage, and strength to achieve. You are unlimited, Pisces. Lay claim to that now so can you walk into these experiences with poise and conviction, especially on Thursday, during the extravagant Sun/Jupiter conjunction in powerful Scorpio. A positive boost in your mindset could set amazing and self-actualizing opportunities in academics, international travel, publishing, and communication in motion. You have a story to tell, and the Universe is giving you the grand stage to speak on it.



Can you handle the Truth, Ram? Scorpio season has begun and will ask Aries to mentally and emotionally take a deep dive into authenticity, intimacy, and truth-telling. If there’s something you need to say, Aries, there’s someone who genuinely needs to hear it. Don’t be afraid to let your Truth upset the status quo. If anyone can handle the discomfort, it’s you. Thursday’s Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio will inspire some lovely ~*sexual healing.*~ Experiment that night with new, healthy ways of indulging your sexuality, and desire, Ram. After how powerfully this day will impact you, you miiight want to be proactive and take Friday off from work (because if I were you, I wouldn’t be getting any sleep on Thursday night). Enjoy!



Two is better than one, Taurus. Scorpio Season lights up your love life and you’ll be more willing and available to experience connection with partners who might not have anything in common with you. Of course your secure heart loves the gentle feeling of familiarity but the Universe wants you to seek a tag-team match this month. Imagine what you two could achieve as a power couple? Divide and conquer, Bull. If you’re scheduling dates and socializing this week, please, please, please make Thursday evening the day where you two can connect. A magical Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio will make date night as lucky as it can possibly be. Be proactively brave — and even emotionally exposed — for the Universe to bless with you all the autumn romance your heart craves.



Health and wellness on your mind, Gemini? It should be! Scorpio Season wants you to get really real about your daily habits involving nutrition and even an exercise routine that promotes your highest mental and physical health. You’ll feel more focused on your professional responsibilities too and strive to be the very best on a consistent basis with detailed productivity. Thursday’s auspicious Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio will reward you highly in any strategies you have underway with an outcome towards health, organization, wellness, and professional success. If an opportunity to present or pitch a project you’re passionate about reveals itself at work, Gemini, speak on it with your articulate Mercury magic and watch the Universe self-correct itself to make it happen. Good luck!



Well, well, well — look who’s the first person at the party. It’s you, Cancer! After a period of nesting and social isolation, Scorpio Season brings a more social, optimistic, courageous, and daring opportunity for you to show up and be authentically seen. As the zodiac’s sacred crab, your shell can hide the cosmic spotlight from beaming. Let counterproductive self-preservation tactics go because this week will allow you to lay claim to your power and prove it — especially on Thursday during a highly lucky Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio. If you’re applying, presenting, or possibly confessing an unspoken emotion, Thursday will be the magical moment to do it, Moon child. The Universe is supporting you this endeavor, so seize it!



Pull up the moat to your castle, Leo, because now that Scorpio Season has officially commenced and you’ll want to get cozy at home, nest with JOMO – the joy of missing out. The next four weeks will prove to be prime time for developing your emotional intelligence, Leo, the who, what, where, when, and why of your feels. As a heart-centered sign, getting curious about your emotion will let your crown shine brighter. Consider Thursday’s Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio the most powerful and favorable day to do just that. You’ll be called upon (and heavily rewarded) if you open up your emotional world to someone it benefits. Put aside stifling beliefs of appropriateness and rejection. Be unapologetically you on Thursday and the Universe will bless you for it.



Careful not to overbook this month, Virgo, now that Scorpio Season has begun! Your social events calendar is about to get much busier. As an intellectually active Mercurial sign, you’re more than capable of keeping up with multi-tasking, so enjoy the wild ride. Your resourcefulness, cleverness, brilliant thinking, and speaking style could get the Universe’s attention this week, especially on Thursday’s Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio which will bring significant opportunity and mighty reward to the Virgo-born ... ifyou’re flexible and resilient about both your thought forms and communication. Ask the control freak within if it’s served you to be so present lately. It probably hasn’t. The power of Thursday’s reward will be earned if you’re unattached to outcome, comfortable with uncertainty, mentally agile, and if you're willing to be surprised.



After an extravagant birthday month for the children of Venus, Libra, I’m sure the Universe has given you many gifts, lessons, experiences, and wisdom you can apply to decisions ahead. Now that Scorpio Season has begun, the big question is: what does a Libra financially, mentally, and emotionally require to have personal security? What are the values a Libra can lean on that will help them carefully sustain this security? Don’t be afraid to go deep this month, as you’ll learn quickly what does and doesn't make you feel balanced. The first beneficial opportunity will arrive this Thursday during the Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio. This is a magical time to earn and make financial decisions that strengthen your wealth. You have a taste for luxury, Libra, so go get it on Thursday. You’ve earned it.

Colin is a literal Gemini Twin Astrologer from Long Island, New York and a two-time graduate of the New School with his Bachelor's in Literature from Eugene Lang College and Master's in Fashion Studies from Parsons School of Design. A passionate student of astrology, A Course in Miracles, and other systems of personal-growth, Colin founded QueerCosmos to meaningfully contextualize queer identities across the zodiac and universal spiritual themes. Additionally, Colin leads private natal chart readings and horoscope columns with international publications. For more, head over to QueerCosmos.com.

Подробности։ партию Аршака Карапетяна не регистрируютКто вы, господин или госпожа премьер-министр? Аршак Карапетян Кто вы, заявите о своей вере, чтобы мы понимали, христиане вы или нет, скажите, вы господин или госпожа? Аршак Карапетян Отказавшись от церкви, Конституции, истории, кем мы становимся, на что похож глава государства, который хочет создать новый народ? Аршак Карапетян АМИО Банк выпустил драмовые облигации Компания Ucom поздравляет всех с днем телекоммуникаций Имеем дело с марионеточным правительством, управляемым иностранцами, целью которого является идентичность армянского народа: Аршак Карапетян Прибывшие в село Киранц полицейские пытаются открыть перекрытую межгосударственную дорогу Армении выгодно быть частью ЕАЭС: замминистра ИД РФ Центробанк Армении: Цены на драгоценные металлы и курсы валют - 16-05-24 «Паст». Труфальдино из Армении или Пашинян «кинет» стороны, либо они «кинут» его Алма-Атинская декларация на самом деле в пользу Азербайджана, а действующий режим направляет этот документ против нас и выполняет все требования турецко-азербайджанского тандема։ Аршак Карапетян Завтра скажут, что не должны называть себя армянами, остался один шаг: А. Карапетян Отныне у мобильного банкинга AMIO появится новая возможность Сила Одного Драма подводит итоги двухлетней программы совместно с фондом Teach for Armenia ВТБ (Армения) расширил возможности трансграничных переводов по номеру телефона Христианская вера является одной из важнейших основ армянской государственности. Аршак КарапетянАрмения встала на путь диктатуры: Аршак Карапетян 9 шахматистов Армении примут участие в Sharjah Masters Шакира показала подросших сыновей от Пике Следуя примеру Apple, Samsung отказалась от создания беспилотных автомобилей Генсек ООН призвал расследовать смерть сотрудника организации в Рафахе Перебранка в Парламенте Грузии переросла в потасовку Генеральный секретарь ОЧЭС подчеркнул важность сотрудничества и приветствовал инициативу “Перекресток мира” Как оппозиция и уличное движение могут добиться отставки Пашиняна? Эксперт представил правовые тонкости Заявление MediaHub: В Ереване во время акции протеста полицейские наехали на журналиста Наре Геворкян Разгадана тайна пейзажа «Джоконды» Да Винчи Курсы валют в Армении Пашинян: Настало время включить достигнутые с Азербайджаном договоренности в мирный договор и подписать его Байден подписал закон о запрете импорта урана из России Генеральный директор Ucom выступил на панельной дискуссии о технологическом развитии Эти люди не понимают, что такое Родина: Аршак Карапетян «Трибунал Армянской национальной гордости» станет механизмом прецедентного права для стран мира: Аршак Карапетян Хачик Асрян предлагает кандидатуру Аршака Карапетяна։ «Паст» Мгновенные переводы в Россию и из России в Армению по номеру телефона СК: Водитель въехавшего в толпу на площади Республики «Камаза» был нетрезв и не подчинился полицейским В Армении ожидается переменная погода: температура воздуха понизится Лидер движения «Всеармянский фронт» представляет атмосферу, царящую в силовых структурах Кто должен стать следующим Премьер-Министром Армении? «Факт». Финансирование Армении за полгода на сумму в 100 миллионов долларовIDBank выпускает 2-ой транш долларовых облигаций 2024 года Forbes опубликовал рейтинг богатейших людей мира На пост министра обороны Путин вместо Шойгу предложил другого кандидата Блинкен обсудил ситуацию в Рафахе с главой Минобороны Израиля Акция гражданского неповиновения стартовала в центре Еревана Задержанный в России экс-депутат парламента Армении обратился к Пашиняну Существует большая вероятность, что сериал «Сёгун» будет продлен на второй сезон Мать пропавшего без вести военнослужащего: Николу придется ответить за сдачу земельКрупная победа «Интера» (видео)Миллионерши Кайли и Кендалл Дженнер встали за барную стойку в Лас-Вегасе